The Infrequent Tales of a Dysfunctional Family

Friday, March 21, 2008

Mutant Power

When you hear the term 'mutant power' it probably conjures up mental images of X-men and comic books. You know - fantasy stuff. What if I told you that mutant power really exists? And that our family has it? Hard to believe, isn't it? But true!

Of course, it doesn't let us fly, or throw cars over buildings - oh, no. Nothing like that. Instead, it works very hard at making people forget us, or for things to go wrong.

My own mutant power goes way back. I can remember a certain birthday party when I was in elementary school where I invited every kid in the class - and only one showed up. (Okay - maybe I just wasn't very popular.) But this has carried over. Bill and I can remember parties we've had where we've invited over 30 couples, and only one showed up. When we ran into the others, it turned out they had 'completely forgotten' about it - even though we had called to remind them the night before!

And this is quite a powerful force we're dealing with as it even plays havoc in the Temple! The day that we first went to the Temple and were sealed together, the brother who was supposed to do our sealing forgot about us and went home. We had to wait until another brother was free. Now THAT is some strong mutant power! I can remember having a calling for over 6 months before they remembered that I needed to be set apart for it.

Why am I bringing this topic up at this time? Well, Bill had a real runaround with it yesterday when he tried to mail off my play to the Church Script Submission department. The mailing place printed up the label, but instead of saying 'Church Script Submission' it had 'Church Cathedral' instead. They tried several more times, and kept getting the wrong title.

You know how zip codes have two parts to them? Suddenly, just about the time they got that first part right, the zip code started printing as one long number. Since there is a deadline on getting this there, Bill wanted to make absolutely sure that the address was correct and it wouldn't be sent back as undeliverable. They tried several more times with no luck in getting the zipcode to separate into it's component parts.

Then their computer crashed. Mind you, by now Bill had been there for over half an hour trying to mail a simple package. They told him to just leave it and they'd sort it out later, but Bill was far too smart to fall for THAT. He insisted he was going to stay right there until they got the label right and he knew it was in the mail.

Persistence paid off, and the computer came back up, and they finally managed to print the label correctly (although, as Bill pointed out, we have no way of knowing if the barcode is correct!). I do have a tracking number, so we'll try to make sure it gets to it's destination. However, poor Bill spent almost an hour there. We're hoping the mutant power is as exhausted as he is and will give us a break for a while!

1 comment:

Maleen said...

Watch out! If there is that much mutant power conspiring at one time, something else is bound to go wrong. Most people would call it bad luck, but either way, you sure have a lot of it.