The Infrequent Tales of a Dysfunctional Family

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Five little girls

My daughter is going to give birth to her fifth daughter sometime next March. Tentively the name of the new little one is going to be Pearl Lee. This inspired the following:

First June was born and we had lots of fun
For she is little girl number one

Then Robyn was born and we yelled "Yahoo!"
For she is little girl number two

Then Ivory was born and we shouted with glee,
For she is little girl number three

Then Daisy was born and we said "There's MORE?"
For she is little girl number four.

We hardly can wait for Pearl to arrive
For she is little girl number five.

There's June Michelle and Robyn Chalae
Ivory Elaine and Daisy Mae
Oops - Daisy GRACE, please pardon me
And now there will be little Pearl Lee.

Not in the same class as Shakespeare or Wordsworth, but it was fun to write.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

With the best of Intentions

My husband is an organizer. There is nothing that delights his soul as much as pigeonholing things into separate and distinct categories. In our medicine closet we have items labeled "Strong pain relievers", "Medium pain relievers", and "Mild Pain Relievers". Our DVDs are in alphabetical order. Our books are in categories, and the fiction books are in alphabetical order (by author).
However, I came home this morning to find that his latest project is the kitchen. He has totally reorganized where all the foodstuffs are kept. He did this years ago and put all the things that I use on a daily basis so high up that I couldn't reach them. I had to reorganize everything. This time he feels that he has conquered that particular problem, and is very proud of what he has done.
I guess I appreciate all the time and effort he is putting in, but although my foodstuffs may not have been that well organized, at least I knew where to find everything. Now - it's going to be a hunt every time I need something. You see, my husband doesn't do any of the cooking.
Our house needs so much work - so many things that need to be gone through and gotten rid of, etc. I find myself a bit baffled on why he felt the kitchen needed to be tackled next. Maybe it's because he doesn't really want to go through HIS things. It's so much easier to organize other people's items.
Oh well, he means well . . .