The Infrequent Tales of a Dysfunctional Family

Friday, March 14, 2008

Are you a whisker?

When I think of the word 'whisk' in relation to cooking, I have this wonderful mental picture of a pioneer woman, or a sweet motherly grandmother, vigorously whisking away a cake mix or some other sort of goodie in a large bowl. The whisk has become very popular in the last ten years or so, and several recipes call for the mixture to be 'whisked' instead of merely stirred.

When I was growing up, I don't think I ever even saw a whisk. When you needed to stir something, you used a large spoon - or an electrical mixer with a spatula to scrape the sides. It is something I became rather adept at, as I proceeded into marriage, motherhood, and the necessity to cook on a daily basis.

Since whisking is now the rage, I have dutifully bought myself several whisks in different sizes. I have to admit that they do mix things very well, and frequently do a better job than just a spoon. However, I cannot for the life of me see how people can use them effectively without spraying some of the contents of the bowl all over the kitchen. I have to use them very slowly and carefully in order to not spill. That mental image of the pioneer woman vigorously whisking away is either a myth, or she had skills that are beyond me.

Are you a whisker?

1 comment:

Maleen said...

Oh yes, I love my whisk. I seem to be pretty good at keeping everything in the bowl unless I allow little hands to help. Then I just have to be satisfied with MOST of the contents staying in the bowl.