The Infrequent Tales of a Dysfunctional Family

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

In Memory of the Bard

I just thought that perhaps some of William Shakespeare's most memorable quote could be updated. For example:

Hamlet: To blog or not to blog, that it the question. Whether it is nobler to suffer the slings and arrows from an impatient daughter or to take arms against a sea of critics - that is the question. To think - to think, perchance to publish - aye, there is the dream.

Romeo & Juliet: But, soft! What words through yonder blog appear? - A blog by any other name would still be a blog.

Midsummer Night's Dream: How now, blog! Whither wander you? Over wire, over cable, through the internet and the monitor.

Macbeth: When shall we three meet again our diverse opinions to explain? When the blogging's finally done, and internet surfing has begun.

Julius Caesar: Friends, Bloggers, Web designers - lend me your RAM.

What could old Will have done with modern techniques!!!

1 comment:

Maleen said...

Holy Cow! That was deep. I think it is time to review my Shakespeare (I actually spelled Shakespeare right the first time--whoo hoo). You definitely have the creative vein. I think Shakespeare would be intimidated by the blog.