The Infrequent Tales of a Dysfunctional Family

Monday, August 18, 2008

Fete Day and Falling

Because there is no official holiday in August, my enterprising daughter has created "Fete Day". Every year it has a different color, and you celebrate by wearing that color and giving gifts of that color. Last year it was blue, and we had a wonderful time celebrating with my brother and his family down in California.

This year, Fete day was scheduled for August 16th, and the color was purple. I had fully intended to try to celebrate this holiday, but unfortunately for my plans, my workplace scheduled an extremely exhausting week to overhaul our department. Between Monday and Friday I put in over 50 hours of work - so Fete day was pretty much ignored.

However, let us not forget the purple theme. In the middle of the week I tripped over my own feet while walking across a parking lot, and fell heavily on my left knee. Naturally, although there was a lot of pain involved, there was nothing to see for the first day or two. However, by Saturday, I can honestly say that I was 'wearing purple'. Well - purple, yellow, pale green, red, pink, etc.

I can honestly say that this is NOT how I planned to celebrate Fete Day, but life is full of little surprises. I am happy to report that although the knee still looks horrible, it is healing and not nearly as painful as it was. Heaven help me if next year the Fete Day color is black!

1 comment:

Maleen said...

That looks sooooo painful! I'm surprised you didn't break something. You don't have to take Fete Day that seriously. Sheesh. I'm glad you are feeling better though.