The Infrequent Tales of a Dysfunctional Family

Sunday, January 20, 2008

A Tribute

Throughout the years (centuries, actually) there have been many jokes and tales told about the acrimonious relationships between mother-in-laws and their son-in-laws. The mothers feel that their daughters are worthy of much better spouses, and the husbands feel like their mother-in-laws interfere too much in their lives and try to run things.
I want to go on record to say that I think my son-in-law is as close to being as perfect for my daughter as I think you can get in this lifetime. He always seems to be cheerful, and although I have seen him get upset, I have never seen him really lose his temper. (I'm sure he must - even Jesus lost his temper and drove the money-lenders out of the temple!)
He has always treated me with respect and has never given any indication that he thinks I'm interfering too much in their life. He has a wonderful sense of humor, and the ability to laugh at himself. He takes an interest in my hobbies (especially my creative writing) and actually acts like he's glad to see me when I visit.
So thank you Tyler, for making my daughter so happy, and giving me three and a half adorable grandchildren (although your wife did play a small part in that). May your life be long and harmonious (with four kids?) and may the Lord bless you and your family throughout eternity. Oh - and happy birthday!
(I tried to put a picture of Tyler here - but my computer is not cooperating. However, if you've never seen him - he's really good-looking!)


Maleen said...

I definitely agree on the good looking part. I think he is quite proud to have turned 30. I think he feels like he has gained a decade of wisdom in one day. Perhaps.
But why shouldn't he feel proud; I didn't get a tribute on my birthday :)

Anonymous said...

What a great mother in-law you are. In my case I feel blessed that I have great in-laws.

Anonymous said...

I'm just leaving a comment since I want to see if it works.