The Infrequent Tales of a Dysfunctional Family

Monday, August 29, 2011

Tough Week

This has not been a particularly easy week, or a particularly good one. I'm glad it's over.

We have had hot weather this week, and our heat pump broke at the end of the week before. This means that the inside of our house is much hotter than the outside. If we leave butter out, it melts. Our refrigerator stopped working for a while (copycat crime?). Miranda is too hot to do dishes (so Tim and I get to do them). We sleep with no covers and a fan going and wake up sticky with sweat. And everybody is cranky.

To fix the situation could cost upwards of $10,000 so we are looking into various financial things we could do - and that makes us crankier. Having to spend large sums of money for something other than entertainment is always a bummer.

Tim has had some particularly bad days this week. He was so mad on one day that he totally trashed his room. He took every box, drawer, etc. and dumped it all over the floor, and then ripped the covers off his bed, and threw the mattress around the room. I think he put some dents in the walls and door, but I haven't been able to get into his room to see for sure.

Bill has not felt well this week. He has cracked another rib, and this one is particularly painful. He also has either a UTI or another stone passing. He has been putting in much too much work moving boxes into the garage, and packing boxes with knick-knacks, and packing boxes with books, and moving more boxes. None of which is good for his ribs. He hasn't been sleeping well because of the pain and the heat - and this contributes to his lack of patience when he is dealing with Tim. Not that he has very much patience with him at the best of times.

I have also not been sleeping well. I have a lot of leg aches, and it is difficult to get comfortable when I go to bed. In addition, the heat is rough, especially since I wear wrist braces. This has resulted in my not getting enough sleep, so I have had a tough time getting through work without my head dropping down onto my desk for a snooze. The end result was that on Sunday I slept for 11 hours straight and totally missed all my church meetings.

I haven't played any computer games this week, but I did weaken enough to check on my Guild Wars characters that had had birthdays to see what mini-pets they had received. I wasn't actually PLAYING, just looking. Although I still find myself at times sitting in front of the computer wondering what to do next since I shouldn't play games.

I have kept up on my scripture reading, but I'm going through the Isaiah passages in Second Nephi, which means I'm not understanding most of it. And for FHE last night we watched "The Music Man". Everybody was too hot and tired to try to do a regular lesson.

So - there is a lot of room for improvement. We have a couple of heating/air conditioning experts coming over this week, and an appointment with Sears to check out our refrigerator (it's running again, but it really needs to be serviced).

I'm not sure why I bother blogging this, as I know that my daughter is the only one who will read it, and I could just as easily tell her this over the phone, but she has begged me to blog occasionally so I am obliging her. Although today it makes me cranky.

1 comment:

Maleen said...

Wow, that does sound miserable. And butter melting? That IS hot!

I think any progress is always slowed down by set-backs. The goal is to keep moving forward. "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, what do we do? We swiiiimmmm"

I hope they can fix something soon though. And I wish I were closer so 1)I could help you with dishes, and 2)You could come rest at our air-conditioned home.

Know that we love you bunches and are sending cool breezes your way. They should get there some time in September. :)