The Infrequent Tales of a Dysfunctional Family

Monday, August 15, 2011

Bigger problem than I thought

Well, today is officially my seventh day without computer games. In one sense, I have done very well. I have not played a single computer game for the last six days. In another sense, I have been able to re-identify my problem.

Apparently, it's not just computer games that is the problem. It is time-wasting. I still spend the majority of my time sitting in front of the computer. However, instead of playing games, I read about things on Wickipedia, or buy things (which isn't good considering we are trying to cut back on spending), or just aimlessly surf the web.

If I'm not actually on the computer, I am playing card games, doing puzzles in my puzzle book, or reading (which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but time-wasting nevertheless).

Things aren't totally dismal, however. I have gotten some things accomplished this last week that I probably wouldn't have. I wrote another 'fairy' story for my granddaughters, and have two more planned out in my head. I went through a lot of knick-knack boxes and got rid of a bunch of stuff. I planned out a FHE lesson about genealogy, and have now downloaded PAF for my new computer (and am going to be buying a new edition of Family Tree Maker).

So I may be getting back into genealogy.

I also sorta started looking at my stamp collection again, and I realize that it is an absolutely HUGE temptation sitting there.

I haven't gotten a supplement since about 1994, and each supplement runs a little over $120. I find I have an itch in me to catch up on the supplements, which is really STUPID because I would be buying over $2000 worth of blank pages (since I have bought very few stamps in the meantime). Since each supplement is the equivalent of a volume - I would have to buy binders too (another $700) to add to the 27+ I already have.

As a time and money-waster, the stamp collection is ideal!

Also, for the last two Family Home Evenings, we have played extremely complex and interesting games. "Arabian Nights" is one of them,

and "Star Trek Expeditions" is the other one.

I'm not really sure we got the rules straight, but both of them could be played as a solo game, and another part of me is itching to set one or both of them up and play them. Another great time-waster, although it wouldn't cost any money.

Obviously just cutting myself off from computer games is not going to be the final answer. I am going to need to discipline myself in other ways. I would welcome some suggestions.

1 comment:

Maleen said...

I still do the dice rolling thing. I put everything down that I need to do, and sometimes projects that have been alluding me. And even fun things sometimes. And then I roll, and conquer.

I'm proud of you for not playing computer games, but I agree that it is easy to waste time in many ways. I tend to be on again/off again. Some days I am super productive and other days I don't seem to get anything done. Today I had sick kids, so it felt like one of the latter days.

But tomorrow will be better. If I have any great epiphanies, I'll send them your way.