The Infrequent Tales of a Dysfunctional Family

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Oh to be a child again

At this time of the year, when somebody expresses the wish to be a child again, it usually means they would like to recapture the magic of the Season - or at the very least, not have to worry about bills. However, I have a much more mundane reason.

This afternoon my stomach developed mild nausea. It wasn't getting any better, so I went to bed. Even there, it wasn't easy to find a position where I felt good (I do hate nausea), but I finally fell asleep. Only to wake up AFTER I had a massive attack of diarrhea.

As I stripped the bed (and me) and stuffed everything into the washing machine, and showered myself off, and cleaned up the floors, etc. I found myself wishing I was a kid again, and that Mom was taking care of everything. I'm not sure she would have been particularly sympathetic. She probably would have been grumbling about people not making it to the bathroom in time, but she WOULD have cleaned everything up, including me. And I wouldn't have had to remake my bed either!

With four little girls, my daughter is probably used to cleaning up after things like this (the oldest is only 6), but it's been a long time since I was called on for this kind of duty. I can't help wishing I was a kid again, so I could concentrate on feeling miserable while the adults do the work.


Maleen said...

I'm sorry you weren't feeling well. Was it something you ate?
Often when I am cleaning up after the kids, I long for the good ole days when you were in charge. But there are good things about being the adult, so I'll try to focus on those.

Maleen said...

Okay, I am really just checking to see if my picture shows up...

Here goes

Maleen said...

Okay, I changed it a little, I don't think you will notice the difference, but I am using your comment section to check it out. Sorry, I know it sends you an email, so I'll just add that I love you.

Maleen said...

Okay, and now I am just telling you that it might be time for a new post...