The Infrequent Tales of a Dysfunctional Family

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Well, I have to admit total and complete failure this week (other than keeping up with my scripture reading). Oh, and I went to the Temple for the first time in years, so maybe that offsets my sins in a small way.

Tim has wheedled and begged and coaxed to get me to play computer games with him, and I finally gave in. And that broke the dam. For the past few days, I have gotten practically nothing done because I have been defending my house from Zombies, tracking down murderers in 'Clue', and searching for words in 'Flipwords'.

I am getting a cute little timer that looks like an apple, and I am going to limit myself to an hour of games a day. At least, I am going to try to.

I should have blogged this on Monday, but I was too busy playing games.

1 comment:

Maleen said...

The timer is a good idea. It is easy to be submarined.

As for me and running. Well, since my allergies came back, it is the same as feeling sick (since I can't breathe)so I haven't ran in weeks. And even if I start to feel better, it is dark now in the mornings. So, I was good for a month. Does that count for anything?